WAOW Texas Catalog Draft


Osprey are remarkable birds. They survived DDT use in the past, yet they will readily nest on man-made platforms within sight of homes. I find them fascinating to watch while they hunt. You can usually hear their high pitched call before you see them over the water, their long wings unmistakeable from other hawks and eagles, as they search the waters for a meal.

20” x 16” — Acrylic $3,800

ANNE PEYTON • WAOW Master • AZ • www.annepeytonart.com There are two criteria for a painting that I place in each finished piece: One is that the final image shows respect for the subject; the second is that viewers can learn something after studying the art. As an avid birder, I spend time studying birds around the Western US. Observing birds and their habits is a way to discover more about their nature. Each action means something for the bird and it is these behaviors that I want to convey.


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