52nd National with Awards Listed


12” x 12” — Oil $1,700

Paintings of this draft team are among the most heartfelt of my pieces. The bond that is formed between horses that work side by side is beautifully special. It is perhaps one of the greatest bonds in the animal kingdom. When the harness is removed, the companionship does not end, they are like soulmates, never separating. Artistically, they create their own magnificent compositions and designs, in their unending desire to be one!

CAROL LEE THOMPSON • WAOW Associate • PA • www.carolleethompson.com Carol Lee Thompson is known for her landscapes, equine works, portraits, and animal paintings, as well as Western art. As an avid horsewoman, her equine art celebrates her great love and respect for the magnificent horse! Carol’s landscapes showcase her desire to paint and study light. She is in countless collections both nationally and internationally, as well as two museums. Carol is a signature member of several prestigious art organizations and has won many awards.


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