52nd National with Awards Listed


30” x 36” — Oil $4,500

While visiting Denver a few years ago, I saw the Monet exhibition at the Denver Art Museum. It was a packed house but quiet as museum exhibits often are because they use headphone tours. It creates this eerie experience of people floating past the paintings. My goal is to build a composition that can draw people from across a room. For my recent work, I’m embracing my inner contemporary artist.

HEATHER ARENAS • WAOW Master • FL • www.heatherarenas.com Heather, an award-winning artist with Master Signature status with WAOW and Signature status with the American Women Artists, uses her travel experiences and figurative knowledge to create scenes from her imagination. After spending years plein air painting and painting the figure from life, she spends more time in the studio now pushing boundaries. Heather was born in Shiloh, NJ, has lived in many other states and now resides in Myakka City, Florida with her husband of 28 years.


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