52nd National with Awards Listed


20” x 20” — Oil $3,950

While witnessing the wonders of childhood as a grandparent, although my paintbrush was stowed away, my artist brain was envisioning this painting. It was a story to be told. Modeling dough was well used for a variety of increasingly odd colored “desserts” we all had to try. I wasn’t a painter when my kids were small. What joy it is to be able to re-live, re-witness and capture that magic now.

JILL BANKS • WAOW Signature • VA • www.jillbanks.com Jill Banks’ award-winning Impressionist paintings capture life in oils. 2022 highlights include a Best in Show at Knoxville’s Artists on Location and the National Museum of Women in the Arts’ Women’s Committee visiting her Great Falls VA studio. Her 100 Faces in 100 Days Project (2011) led to painting moving subjects in plein air. Banks is a Signature member of American Women Artists and the Washington Society of Landscape Painters.


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