52nd National with Awards Listed


9” x 12” — Oil $845

I love observing and painting birds. This Mourning Dove landed on the deck railing while I was having my morning coffee. As it went through its preening routine with the sunlight shining on it, I thought it looked like a dancer on a stage. I painted this on a smooth panel and used soft brushes to be able to create the softness and beautiful subtle colors of the feathers.

JULIE GOWING HAYES • WAOW Signature • AR • www.juliehayesart.com Living in the Ozarks of NW Arkansas, Julie Gowing Hayes creates oil and watercolor paintings inspired by the beauty she sees in nature. Growing up on a farm in SW Iowa was instrumental in the development of her deep-rooted love and respect for the outdoors. Julie received her Studio Art degree at Salem College in Winston-Salem, NC. Hayes has served on the WAOW Board for almost 8 years. Other memberships include American Women Artists, Artists of NW Arkansas, Heart of America Artists Association, and Plein Air Painters of the Ozarks.


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