52nd National with Awards Listed


I like my art to be playful but with a serious message in mind. The giraffe is universally beloved, yet it is vulnerable and heading toward extinction. I choose animals as my subject to bring awareness to their plight, using color and brushwork to convey their importance; as if the very air were dancing in celebration of their existence. Oils on aluminum are my preferred materials as the slick surface is perfect to achieve this. My goals and my duty are to depict them not as beasts, but as living, loving, intelligent beings with a full spectrum of emotions that are worthy of their place on the planet.

16” x 16” — Oil $1,500

CHERYL KING • WAOW Associate • WA • www.cherylkingstudios.com Cheryl is a 4th generation Puget Sounder with a deep reverence for Mother Nature and her denizens. She travels extensively to photograph her subjects and observe their behaviors. Recent trips to the wilds of Canada and South Africa have given her rich inspiration for her art. She is represented by Going to the Sun Gallery in Whitefish MT and Corwin Galleries in Hamilton MT and takes part in several shows in the West. She is a member of the American Impressionist Society as well as founder and president of the Washington Art Gang.


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