54th National Catalog - Final Draft


Fledgling at High Tide is my rescue mare Felina, who I saved from slaughter when she was 8 months old. She’s 8 years old now, my best riding horse, partly due to sending her to boarding school at a ranch two hours away. I felt as if she was leaving the nest, like a baby bird that had grown, since I had spent time with her daily for over 2 years. I love to do wild colors on my bronzes, and this turquoise had an ocean feel to it, hence the high tide.

15” x 14” x 8” — Bronze $3,600

BARBARA MEIKLE • WAOW Associate • NM • www.meiklefineart.com In 2009, Barbara started sculpting, casting her pieces in bronze, culminating with a hot color patina for a stunning finish on each piece. “Degas said if you want to paint horses, you need to sculpt them, so I’ve taken that to heart, not just with horses but bears, bulls and burros too.” Barbara earned a degree in painting and printmaking at the University of Denver, working in galleries in New York, Chicago, and Denver before returning to Santa Fe, NM to devote herself to creating her own art. Barbara opened her own gallery there in 2006 and that continued success allows her to give back to the animals she loves so much.


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