54th National Catalog - Final Draft


9” x 12” — Pastel $850

I love plein air painting with pastels, and florals are among my favorite models. I visited a friend (who’s a wonderful artist and gardener) in Taos in June, a peak bloom time for his cottage gardens. Among the June abundance were giant allium flowers, spectacular in mid-morning sunlight. They looked like fireworks/ starbursts, especially against the darks of a shaded latilla fence. I had to paint them. The key was to treat the blooms with restraint, not articulating each and every line. The drama came from strong contrast of values and vibrant hues.

JUDE TOLAR • WAOW Signature • OK • www.judetolar.com Jude Tolar grew up in Kansas/Oklahoma, receiving a psychology degree from Oklahoma State University. After retirement from graphic design/illustration, she turned to pastels, painting beauty and joy, mainly en plein air. Jude’s award-winning pastels are in magazines and The Encyclopedia of Pastel Techniques. She’s written for Plein Air Today and Pastel Journal, gives demos, teaches workshops.


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