54th National Catalog - Final Draft


24“ x 30” — Oil $3,200

The area around Ghost Ranch near Abiquiu, New Mexico is the inspiration for this painting. The way the elements have sculpted the rock layers and their color, is breathtaking. It called to me to be immortalized in a painting,..or five. I have done five paintings from the area so far. It is a special place.

BONNIE BRENTZ • WAOW Associate • AZ • www.bonniejbrentz.com I pursued a fine arts degree in college. I earned a B.S. in Biomedical Communications. This degree supports the needs of the medical community in photography, medical illustration and graphics. I worked as a medical illustrator at a medical school. During this time, I took classes and workshops on my own. In 1987 I decided to paint full time. I have won numerous awards and been represented in eight galleries from Atlanta to Santa Fe.


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