54th National Exhibition, "Dreamweavers"


15” x 30” — Oil $2,500

Our wonderful trip to Moab, UT, May before last, left me with a wealth of super photos of Canyonlands and Arches National Parks and also many unforgettable memories. Each day when we came back to Moab from the parks, this is the beautiful scene we saw at that time of day. I painted a similar scene years ago from a much shorter trip to Moab, but this one is somewhat different and I couldn’t wait to paint it. The light was phenomenal and only lasted a very short time!

CECY TURNER • WAOW Master, Emeritus • TX • www.cecyturner.com Much of Cecy’s work is done plein air, and she lives half the year in Colorado, where she paints on location daily. A Texas native and graduate of Vanderbilt, she did post graduate study in art at University of North Texas. Feature articles about her have appeared in Art of the West, Artists magazine , Watercolor Artist magazine (cover) and she was chosen by Southwest Art Magazine as an “Artist to Watch.” Cecy holds signature memberships in NOAPS, AIS, NWS, WFWS, Outdoor Painters Society, AWA and PAAC, and is a past president of WAOW.


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