54th National Exhibition, "Dreamweavers"


12” x 16” — Pastel $1,200

Pelicans rank amongst my favorite birds. Time stands still when I see them surf the waves along the California coast with such grace. Naturally my choice fell on my little La Jolla pelican when I had to choose what to paint for this show.

DAGMAR GALLEITHNER-STEINER • WAOW Associate • WA • www.galleithner.com Dagmar Galleithner-Steiner hails from the town of Huglfing, located at the foothills of the German Alps, where she spent her youth in close contact with the animals and landscapes that later would serve as inspiration for her art. She established herself as a brilliant portraiturist of Thoroughbred horses—working primarily in the classic medium of pastels—and has gone on to critically acclaimed forays into vivid oils and the Blaue Reiter school of German Expressionism.


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