54th National Exhibition, "Dreamweavers"


12” x 12” — Oil $1,800

Cougars are very elusive creatures. It’s rare to see them in the wild. I have seen them in the wild several times, and feel fortunate to have done so. They are present where I live, and we have had their footprints in our yard multiple times. We had prints by our front door, the same evening one was captured on a neighbors security camera. In addition I have worked with them in captivity, and they are amazing animals.

LESLIE KIRCHNER • WAOW Signature • CA • www.lesliekirchner.com Leslie paints both Western and wildlife subjects. She thoroughly researches each subject as well as their habitats. Leslie has worked with many of the subjects she paints including cougars, bobcats, and birds of prey in order to lend authenticity to her work. Her work is shown in museums, galleries and art shows across the country. Leslie is a member of American Women Artists, Oil Painters of America, Women Artists of the West, and Artists For Conservation.


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