54th National Exhibition, "Dreamweavers"



15” x 22” — Watercolor $2,245

10” x 15” — Pastel $1,075

An Acoma pueblo pot named Sunface has a beautiful geometric sunflower design that inspired me to combine it with the organic shapes of real sunflowers I’d just bought to brighten my day. The splatters create a happy, festive, dance on the paper surface. Sunflowers are always a smiling subject for me.

In this painting I wanted to celebrate the women who helped build our nation, stood alongside the cowboys of an era long gone by, and are still standing strong today on the farms, ranches and homes of rural America. This is a very personal piece for me and I hope, in the end, the story of this woman and many others like her is written on her face.

DEBBIE HUGHBANKS • WAOW Master, Emeritus • WA • www.hughbanksart.com Debbie Hughbanks is a professional artist specializing in wildlife, figurative and Western themed pieces, painting most often in pastel or acrylic. Debbie is a master signature emeritus member of WAOW, a signature member of the Northwest Pastel Society, a founding signature member of the Cowgirl Artists of America, an artist member of the Salmagundi Club, a member of the International Guild of Realism and an associate member of the American Plains Artists.

JEANNE HYLAND • WAOW Master , Emeritus • NM • www.jeannehyland.com Jeanne has taught watercolor painting nationally and internationally while serving on BODs of National Watercolor Society and WAOW. Educated in the US and Belgium, she hold a sculpture BFA (University of New Hampshire) and studied at the École des Beaus Arts, France. Her work has been seen in The Best of Watercolor: Splash 23 presented by the Artists Magazine (2022); National Watercolor Society; the First 100 Years (2020); NWS; Portraits and Figures Invitationsl (2017) and International Artists Magazine , Florals (October 2017).



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