54th National Exhibition, "Dreamweavers"



This hearty scavenger can be found by lakes and along the coast – and let’s not forget parking lots and the city dump! I love to watch them flip and fly as they

compete for food. Here I wanted to

isolate this bird and put it into stop-action form so we can get a good look at it.

12” x 16” — Oil $2,200

Bobcats are quite common throughout the country. It’s not uncommon to see them out hunting or relaxing during the day. I see them quite often in my yard, and catch them on my game camera on a regular basis. I placed the bobcat in my painting with cactus in a desert scene where there is a lot of different prey for them, but maybe not so easy a meal having to work around cactus thorns, which give birds and mammals a place to hide.

24” x 24” — Acrylic $2,000

LESLIE KIRCHNER • WAOW Signature • CA • www.lesliekirchner.com Leslie paints both Western and wildlife subjects. She thoroughly researches each subject as well as their habitats. Leslie has worked with many of the subjects she paints including cougars, bobcats, and birds of prey in order to lend authenticity to her work. Her work is shown in museums, galleries and art shows across the country. Leslie is a member of American Women Artists, Oil Painters of America, Women Artists of the West, and Artists For Conservation.

REENIE KENNEDY • WAOW Assoc. • CA • www.reeniekennedy.com Reenie Kennedy is an award-winning artist with a particular emphasis on wildlife and florals, which she often combines. Her work has been prominently featured in noted art publications and important traveling exhibitions. Her memberships include the prestigious International Guild of Realism, WAOW, The California Art League, The Carlsbad-Oceanside Art League, and a signature member of The International Society of Acrylic Painters.



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