54th National Exhibition, "Dreamweavers"



16” x 20” — Oil $2,500

With my impressionistic approach to oil painting I have painted an exciting scene with energy. Weather in the West has recently been very unpredictable. I spent time and composed this scene of a storm in the distance, catching cowhands off guard as they try to get their cattle to safety.

22” x 26” — Watercolor $2,100

I have always loved painting still lifes from the selection of items to the naming process. I usually start with the flowers and natural forms. In this case I knew I wanted to include the ornate pipe from my father’s collection and I sought out other items whose colors and shapes went with it including an old photo, a lei and a fish shape from when we lived in Hawaii, an old book etc. The title always feels like the message of the painting has bubbled to the surface. For this painting the idea of a soul rising through the confusing struggles of life and seeking clarity and a better understanding was what spoke to me.

KATHRYN MCMAHON • WAOW Master, Emeritus • FL • www.kathrynamcmahon. Kathryn is signature member of American Impressionist Society, American Society of Marine Artists and International Plein Air Painters. She is a member of the Copley Society of Art, Boston where her paintings are displayed in many of their exhibitions. “My composition, the lines, short brushstrokes, masses of color, and use of light and reflections, demonstrate my impressionistic approach to oil painting.”

LAUREL MCGUIRE • WAOW Associate • IL • www.laurellakemcguire.com Recently settled in Illinois after a few years of traveling around the US and Canada, painting en plein air, Laurel is back in the studio creating larger, more complex works. Although she is primarily a studio painter it is her intention to keep up her plein air efforts as well in the future. She is a signature member of the Transparent Watercolor Society of America and has won awards at exhibitions across the country. Many of her floral paintings are available at Mary Williams Fine Art in Boulder CO and she enjoys painting landscapes, people and animals as well as still lifes.



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