54th National Show Catalog - 2024


16” x 20” — Pastel $1,900

This painting was done of my all time favorite places to paint. Its five minutes from my home and you can set up to paint in any direction. I loved the soft pinkish glow at the end of the day and knew that I wanted to try and capture the essence with my pastels.

LINDA MUTTI • WAOW Associate • CA • www.lindamutti.com Linda is an award winning artist who started painting later in life and has earned the title of Master Pastelist. She is drawn to paint the golden light of the West, including the West Coast, the Sierras and our beautiful National Parks. Linda paints en plein air as well as her home studio. As a longtime horse woman Linda also loves to paint horses and wildlife. She works in pastels, oils, charcoal, graphite and scratchboard.


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