54th National Show Catalog - 2024


I was on a road trip to Waco last year. As I walked into a market, I enjoyed the April breeze which seemed to bring the breath of spring. Under the bright sun shine some girls look like fresh flowers in the market enjoying the weekend. It was such a peaceful and beautiful scene, I couldn’t let go! When I saw this I felt the world is amazingly beautiful, and when I painted this I felt life is so good. Painting what I love always make me happy.

16” x 12” — Oil $1,950

LINGUI WANG • WAOW Associate • TX • lwang.faso.com Linghui Wang (Lynn) graduated from Luxun Academy of Fine Arts in China. She has worked as an associate professor of the Fine Arts in Liaoning Normal University until she immigrated to the US as an Art Specialist in 2001 with her daughter. She has called Texas her home for twenty years now and teaches art at Linghui’s Art Studio. She also takes workshops with master painters. Her works have been recognized in many national exhibitions. She said, ”Life is not easy but art always makes life beautiful.”


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