54th National Show Catalog - 2024


22 x 24” — Pastel $3,700

Athabasca Falls is located in Jasper National Park in the Canadian Rockies. My husband and I had planned a “bucket list” trip to Alaska which included a trip along the ALCAN Highway. I visited this waterfall and was awestruck. In this painting, I captured only a portion of the actual falls, for the best composition. The waterfall has an 80’ drop and is considered the most powerful waterfall, and rated a Class 5. You can experience white water rafting from below the falls, rafting downstream on the Athabasca River to Jasper. The trip to Jasper and these waterfalls should be on your bucket list. I found this place so inspirational and powerful.

MARCIA BALLOWE • WAOW Associate • MT • www.marciaballowe.com Marcia is a traditional painter, working in oils and pastels and a member of the Montana Professional Artists Association, Montana Painters Alliance, NOAPS, Pastel Society of the West Coast, associate member of Women Artists of the West. Her pastels received numerous awards this past year. She loves to paint plein air using her favorite medium: pastels.


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