54th National Show Catalog - 2024


24” x 30” — Oil $5,800

The title of this piece holds a clue to the inspiration behind the intentions of this painting. We have always used gold as a measure of value and worth. Gold is radiant, and many would use words like rare and treasure when describing it. For me, the land is the most precious commodity which we all share and depend upon for our very existence. That quality has been demonstrated in this painting to magnify the reminder, using the abundant golden, wild fields. The color value juxtaposition of the lavender distant mountains and the vibrant fields is a metaphor which is intended to amplify that harmony and balance which we often overlook or take for granted. We are also immersed in a challenging time in our history, and I was intentionally painting a piece which would convey happiness and a sense of hope. We are not lost, only momentarily sleepwalking. We share paradise right now, it’s here, we only need to remember and awaken to the dream.

CHRISTINE G. DREWYER • WAOW Master, Emeritus • MD • christinedrewyer.com Christine Graefe Drewyer is the Immediate Past President of American Women Artists. She has been President of WAOW 2014-2017 and an advisor to the Board for 8 years. She is the Publicity Chair of Washington Society of Landscape Painters. Recent awards include Purchase Prize Award at the Haggin Museum, 2nd Place Masters Award in WAOW’s America the Beautiful Exhibit and 2D Award of Excellence at the AWA-2022 Customs House Museum Exhibition. She is a member of many fine art organizations.


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