54th National Show Catalog - 2024


The smell of late summer flora mixed with sweet satisfying air and birds chattering in the warm sunlight. Nice day for an outing.

24” x 18” — Pastel $2,800

ILENE GIENGER-STANFIELD • WAOW Master • OR • www.ilenegienger.com Ilene’s first intensive studies were in portraiture where sensitivity to capturing the character of her subjects honed her drawing skills. Always open to learning, she then began observing subjects in a more abstract thought process regarding seeing only color shapes and how they fit together. This observation of shapes led to a broader range of subjects such as landscape and figurative. Another influential injection into Ilene’s current painting style was striving for more original and clean color. Gienger-Stanfield’s images are pared down to essentials and the viewer comes away with having viewed natural, simplistic and truthful art.


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