54th National Show Catalog - 2024


15 x 30” — Pastel $2,200

Reflected Glow was inspired by a New Mexico sunset witnessed from my home.I love the long horizontal stretch of the cloud hanging over the New Mexico horizon line – distant mountains and Cabezon, an ancient volcanic cone. I wanted to portray reflected light that vibrates through miles of mist and dust and the glow of the setting sun.

KATHERINE IRISH • WAOW Associate • NM • www.katherineirish.com Katherine knew she was an artist from an early age. She studied art in universi ties in New York and Europe, where she also frequented museums and galleries. She began to dream of New Mexico landscapes and moved to Taos in 1982 to pursue a career in art. She continues to find inspiration in the colorful skies and vistas throughout her New Mexico home. Previously painting in oil, she discovered the beauty of pastels in 2002. Katherine is an award-winning artist who exhibits in galleries and juried and invitational exhibits across the country.


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