54th National Show, Dreamweavers


15.8” x 24” — Graphite $3,000

The Story of PokeyPokey was old, blind in one eye and starving when rescued by friends who kept him at our place. The day he was to arrive, they were told, “Don’t let your little girls be there till we know if he will make the trip.” But he did make it. They bathed, brushed, combed and braided flowers into his mane. They fed him as many times a day as he needed and literally loved him back to health. They found he was quite well trained and rode him everywhere. I looked out my window one day and saw this scene which made me tear up. I ran out and snapped a photo with my phone because I knew I had to draw it. He lived out his days a pampered pony and trusted mount.

JILL WESTBROOK • WAOW Associate • OK • www.thefirefroststudio.com My mother told people the first thing I ever drew was a horse ~before I was 3 ~ in the dust on the kitchen floor of the little white clapboard parsonage in the North woods of Wisconsin. I’ve been drawing and painting ever since. In 1963, our family took a trip “Out West” to Vancouver, BC; stopping at Rocky Mountain National Park, Yellowstone and Glacier National Park, That trip burned into me a longing to return to my heart home ~ the Rocky Mountains and the West ~ home of the cowboy, the wild horse and vistas that set in me a desire to capture on paper the things that called to my soul.


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