54th National Show, Dreamweavers


15” x 8” x 9” — Bronze $4,600

In this sculpture I wanted to capture the sweet connection between a beloved horse and her rider and the feeling of a job well done at the end of the day.

HEATHER BEARY • WAOW Associate • AZ • www.hjohnsonbeary.com Heather Johnson Beary is an award-winning sculptor from Prescott, Arizona. Raised in rural Central Florida she explored the cypress swamps and palmetto forests there finding a sense of wonder and peace in the natural world. Heather started creating notable works of art at a young age, selling her first drawing at 13. Upon earning her BA from the University of Toledo she moved to Prescott, Arizona and fell in love with all things Southwest, from the flora and fauna to the Native American and pioneer influences of the people inhabiting the region. Her work is inspired by the rugged freedom and abundant nature this wild country still provides.


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