54th WAOW National Exhibition, "Dreamweavers"



23” x 16” x 14” — Bronze $3,850

24” x 14” x 8” — Bronze $3,400

If we are fortunate, aging can be a time of finding our full potential. This woman is standing at the apex of her life, smiling and strong. The two ravens are symbols of Odin’s ravens, Thought and Memory, bringing a lifetime of experience, intellectual depth and wisdom.

Numinous dreams are often a nexus that can transport us into magical realms or possibly assist in working through a difficult conundrum. Ravens have long been associated with omens and dreams or depicted as message bearers between worlds. This piece speaks of Raven as the bearer of dreams.

DEANNE MCKEOWN • WAOW Signature • AZ • www.mckeowngalleries.com I find inspiration for my sculpture in the cultures and wildlife of the Southwest and in ancient folklore and magic. I frequently make humorous or social comment through animal characters who become metaphors for human thought and behavior. Art is a partnership, an un-choreographed dance between the imagination of the artist and the life experience of the viewer.

DEANNE MCKEOWN • WAOW Signature • AZ • www.mckeowngalleries.com I find inspiration for my sculpture in the cultures and wildlife of the Southwest and in ancient folklore and magic. I frequently make humorous or social comment through animal characters who become metaphors for human thought and behavior. Art is a partnership, an un-choreographed dance between the imagination of the artist and the life experience of the viewer.

It has been the joy and fulfillment of my life to be a part of that dance.

It has been the joy and fulfillment of my life to be a part of that dance.



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