54th WAOW National Exhibition, "Dreamweavers"



16 x 20” — Oil $850

One day a week my family and I focus inward. Our time slows or even seems to stop and we devote the day to our spiritual life, our community, our family. The phone and the computer stop, the seeking and the creating end and it’s a moment in time in our space. This painting is part of a group of works that speak about that experience. In the painting there is the use of silver as a color that references the silver kiddush cup used to make a blessing Friday night over wine that welcomes in the Shabbat, or the Jewish sabbath, and sanctifies the day (which actually begins at sundown). There is also imagery of the candle holders and the kiddush cup itself, both of which are ritual objects that usher in the sanctified sense of time.

16” x 20” — Oil $2,500

While attending a wildlife/photography workshop years ago, we were given the opportunity to photograph this cougar in it’s natural habitat. The day was overcast and somewhat disappointing to do photography in. The cougar crouched on a rock and at just that instant, a bit of sun popped through the clouds and illuminated the cat’s eyes. My heart jumped. My camera clicked. And I just had to paint the end result.

CAROL LUNDEEN • WAOW Associate • MN • www. lundeenartwork.com Carol Lundeen is a wildlife artist from Dassel, MN. She can often be found in her studio creating works of art depicting western wildlife in their natural habitats. Portraits of her subjects are also some of her favorite forms of art. She uses representational brush strokes as well as abstracted areas in her work to create engaging images of her subjects.

STACY LEEMAN • WAOW Associate • OH • www.stacyleeman.com Stacy Leeman’s works are represented by multiple galleries including: Brandt-Roberts Gallery in Columbus, Ohio, Rutledge Street Gallery in Camden, South Carolina, Wheelhouse Art in Louisville, Kentucky, 530 Burns Gallery in Sarasota, Florida. Ms. Leeman earned her BA in studio art from Oberlin College and MFA from Mason Gross School of the Arts at Rutgers University and she and her family reside in Columbus.



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