54th WAOW National Exhibition, "Dreamweavers"



15” x 30” — Oil $1750

Last summer, I was at a painting workshop that took place at a ranch. We were up early in the morning to watch the horses being brought into the corral. After they all settled down a bit, these four were huddled together and in such a relaxed state. I couldn’t take my eyes off of them. I loved their pose and knew when I was photographing them that I had to paint them

13.8 x 18” x 15” — Bronze $1,850 My inspiration for the bronze Painted Pony was to create a sculpture displaying some of the symbols Native American people felt important. And of course, it was on my favorite subject--the horse!

JANEL MAHER • WAOW Associate • TN • janelmaher.fineartstudioonline.com Growing up in Colorado, I was always fascinated with horses. This life study has spurred my imagination in sculpting and painting what I know best, one of our greatest treasures: the horse. My wish is to capture the heart, spirit and conformation of my subject. Many of my ideas for my art are inspired from my own horses, a song, poem or just a comment I have heard. Also, I am very inspired by the history and legends of the horse! I love creating a new piece but most of all I want the viewer not to see cold metal or an empty canvas….but a subject that breathes life!

ELISE MAHAFFIE • WAOW Associate • MD • www.elisemahaffie.com Being a graphic designer for a good part of my life has definitely influenced the way I interpret shapes and how I see things. I love bold marks, strong colors, and unique, simplistic compositions. I believe this gives the viewer a feeling of easy discovery and controlled focus on the smaller details. Living in Wyoming, going on safaris, and painting western life and wildlife brings me such joy. Nothing makes me happier than when my paintings connect a buyer to that same joy!



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