Policies and Procedures.indd

SECTION F. APPLICATION AND ACCEPTANCE TO MEMBERSHIP 1. Prospective members may only apply for Associate Membership and may be selected by the member ship screening committee according to compliance with the following stipulations: a. Application material and requirements to apply for WAOW membership can be downloaded from waow.org or requested by U.S. mail or E-mail from the membership chairman. All application forms will in clude the expectations and requirements associated with Associate and Signature Membership. b. Applicants must submit a completed application form prior to the deadline set by the Board of Direc tors. c. The application form must be accompanied by a minimum of six (6) images of current Work. (Current is defined as Work completed within two (2) years of the date of application.) d. The application form must be accompanied by a resume complete with brief biographical information and exhibition listings. e. A screening fee set by the Board of Directors must accompany the application form. f. Applicants will be informed of the Membership Committee’s decision by letter within two (2) weeks of the screening date. g. Successful applicants may participate in the next sanctioned show, providing that the entry deadline for said show has not passed. h. No non-member artist may be invited into the WAOW membership at any level without first passing through the proper jurying procedure. No offer of membership for any level may be offered to anyone for any length of time as a prize or enticement to join the group. i. Applicants to any higher level of membership shall know and adhere to the requirements set forth in Article IV of these bylaws as it refers to that next level. SECTION G. MEETINGS 1. Membership meetings shall be held during any sanctioned show if a quorum is in attendance and busi ness at hand deems it necessary. The highest-ranking Board member shall preside over these meetings and shall report the minutes of said meetings to the Board of Directors. Unofficial meetings may also occur that do not involve voting issues but merely serve as a gathering for members of all levels. 2. Special membership meetings may be conducted on the Internet through the official WAOW Web site and/or the WAOW list E-mailing system. 3. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be requested by any officer and may be held at either a physical location or on the Internet. 1. Issues and measures approved at the above meetings which require a 2/3 vote of the membership shall be put to the membership annually or as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors, according to Article VI, Section B. of these bylaws.


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