Policies and Procedures.indd
SECTION I. HISTORIAN 1. The Historian shall assemble material to keep a record of the history and development of the corpora tion. 2. She shall keep a file containing show announcements, invitations, advertisements, bulletins, bylaws and membership lists for future reference. SECTION J. WEB DIRECTOR 1. The Web Director shall assemble, edit and publish a Web site at the domain address www.waow.org for the benefit of the membership. 2. She shall monitor and maintain the Web site on a regular basis. 3. She shall choose such assistants as are needed, for appointment by the President. SECTION K. RECORDING SECRETARY 1. She shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of all board and corporate meetings and shall pre pare copies for the corporate secretary. 2. She shall send a copy of the minutes to the president, bulletin editor, Web director, executive director, and board members. 3. She shall tally and record votes 4. She shall notify all applicants in writing of the decision of the membership screening committee SECTION L. MEMBERSHIP CHAIR 1. She shall keep a current record of members, including membership level and year of membership accep tance 2. She shall receive all Associate level applications for promotion to Signature level and submit them to the screening committee 3. She shall accept requests for leave status and shall report all such requests to the Board of Directors 4. She shall choose such assistants as are needed, for appointment by the President ARTICLE IX. SHOWS/EXHIBITS SECTION M. JURYING 1. All corporation shows shall be juried prior to the show. 2. The show committee and/or exhibit director shall have the authority to exclude from the show any Work that is improperly framed, not as represented in the submitted image or is otherwise unsuitable. 3. Disciplinary action will be taken, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, regarding any member who presents a Work for the jury which if accepted (a) is not subsequently shipped to the show or (b) while shipped, is not made available for sale through the show venue, unless NFS Work is permitted in the show prospectus. ARTICLE X. AMENDMENT TO THE BYLAWS These bylaws may be amended by a vote of two-thirds of responding members providing the proposed amend ment shall have been submitted to the membership in writing, at least fifteen (15) days in advance of the date when the vote is to be taken. ARTICLE XI. SUBJECTS NOT COVERED Robert’s Rules of Order shall be followed for detailed operating procedure when the above bylaws do not cover the subject.
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