Policies and Procedures.indd


RENEWALS OF NON-PROFIT Make certain that the non-profit status 501 (c) 3 is renewed each year. The treasurer usually fills out these forms because it has a monetary cost but a reminder to the treasurer is need ed and the president should be aware of the paperwork. • BOARD liability INSURANCE: Also make sure that the WAOW liability insurance (currently with Great American Insurance and the Hartford) is paid. This covers such things as board members who could be sued, etc. (See folder of paperwork samples) DO NOT fall for scams that suggest you pay their company to fill out these forms for an exorbitant cost. There are many. • VOTED APPROVAL OF NEW BILLS OR SHOW BUDGETS Make certain bills are approved by the board before payment. This does not include bills such as monthly stipends that have already been approved by board vote or bills regarding a show after the amount of an item has already expressly been approved in the show budget. • TRADEMARK : Make certain that the trademark is renewed every ten years. ( TEAS@uspto.gov serial no. 85172935. See folder of paperwork) Currently, this costs $425 per trademark and we are supposed to have WAOW as principal trademark and Women Artists of the West as supplemental) At the time of this writing, we need to get the WAOW trademark again as it was allowed to lapse. TRADEMARK: It will be due again between 2029 and 2030. The emailed reminder is currently set to go to the bookkeeper or to the current president (Mary Ann Cherry) and this information can be changed. It can be updated when needed upon election of a new pres ident. DO NOT fall for scams that suggest you pay them to fill out these forms for an exorbitant cost. There are many of these bogus scams). • FILLING VACATED ELECTED POSITIONS ACCORDING TO BYLAWS : Appoint a nominating chair for elections to fill the elected positions who are at the end of their two-year term (Sept-October) or who must resign for any reason be sure to see bylaws regarding elections. • FINANCES : The president needs to receive copies of the WAOW monthly bank statements and work with the treasurer and accountant to maintain a current knowledge of the fiscal status of WAOW. A financial statement should always be included in the board meeting per laws regarding non-profits. It is best to request these reports prior to a meeting so board members have time to familiarize themselves with them. Work with the treasurer if needed to prepare an annual budget – our budget is usually about the same each year, with the same stipends and outgo, but this needs to be verified – especially in years where WAOW may be holding two shows. Work with the show chairs and pertinent committee members to prepare and seek board approval vote for the show budget (ideally no less than 10 months before the show). The prior year’s show is always a good basic ex ample for the new show chairs. But each show is different. • REGULAR MEETINGS Hold a minimum of four board meetings per year, one per quarter or by email if necessary. These can be held virtually but if possible, if enough board members can attend an annual show, hold a meeting at that show to meet in person. AGENDA! Prepare the agenda for the meetings and send out at least two reminders. This helps keep the meet ing organized. Dates and times of these should be announced (plan all of these quarterly meetings in January if possible, but at least two weeks before a meeting) so board members can put them in their calendars.


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