Policy and Procedures 2024

NATIONAL ADVERTISING CHAIR As of this date, the National Ad Committee is comprised of several people working with the National Ad Director.(Director, Graphic Artist, Press Release Writer, Evites Crew and Boots on the Ground who live in the venue of a particular show) National Ads Acquire & Negotiate Bids and report bids to Board for National Advertising All bids are obtained in writing to ensure clear communications with magazines. National Ads usually include those for national shows and the Annual Guidebook for Art of the West (always published in January and supplied to major shows throughout the year) Make Calendar for press releases and editorials for shows by major magazines and report this information to those who are involved in those events (WAOW president for editorial interviews, press release writer, graphic artists for final due dates, etc.) Local Ads Coordinate with Local Boots on the Ground and/or show chairs and/or Venue for local advertising. This chang es every year. Press Releases – (usually a position of someone on the ad committee) NAD works with Press Release writer to assist in proofing and providing images for press releases. Also coordi nates with local “boots on the ground” and/or show chairs for press release to local venues. Makes Calendars for press release deadlines for the press release writer and follows up as a safety net on those deadlines. Ad Design & Writing of approval from Advertisers. NAD is responsible for Final Design approval (includes working with graphic designer) on design templates for ads and coordinate with Catalogue Designer for continuity for show. Usually before final approval, ad template is first coordinated with catalogue designer (currently Nori Thorne) and run by Show Chairs (sometimes venue) for the input and preferences. The final design is usually derived from the group’s input but the final-final design rests with the NAD. I always require final ad proof “OK” from each advertiser as it is the only way to address an issue if an error is made. I have always had myself, the graphic artist and at least 2 others review the ad spread for proofing. Still, I have made a few errors in the final ads (buck stops with the ad director) and when I do, the magazines have worked with me to make restitution that is satisfactory to the artist. Artists have made a few errors with their proofing too and the email chain has been helpful in reminding them their approval in written form. One reason why errors in the ad spreads can be a problem is the numerous drafts the ad spread may take, artists themselves making an error that we catch (but maybe not on the first draft) artists not catching an error on their own ad, the magazine not understanding the importance of the first page designation as a right or left lead start, one artist may have different images in different magazine spreads- all this is to say that errors will occur and that having an artist’s final approval in writing is very important. Sounds easy but several of WAOW artists do not check email daily and some of these approvals have to be chased.

Finally, it is easiest for the NAD to coordinate these proofs, have artists respond to the director with their “OK” or changes and then send these to the graphic artist to be done all at once. We try to get artists to cc the graphic artist on these changes but it doesn’t always happen. This way the NAD can always have those written approvals within her own files. Solicitations of Ads from membership The NAD provides information and schedules for ads to membership for WAOW National Show to webmistress (Currently Nori Thorne) for posting on website and collects information about who buys ads, size etc. for the graphic designer to use to build the ad and also updates the magazines periodically during the time ad regarding ad sales for Guidebook and WAOW shows. A spreadsheet example is at the end of the job description. These records are kept (for at least 2 years to document who purchased what as it may be relevant to whether a member has been in keeping with the bylaws of their membership status. Provide Images and/or editorial for shows The NAD provides images and editorial ( if quotes beyond that of WAOW president) is of interest for magazines or articles regarding WOAW shows. Show chair input is also sought and considered. As a matter of consid eration, I have tried to provide different images to different magazines and let the editorial writer or magazine choose the image they prefer for their show. I try not to duplicate images from the press release. This is in an effort to allow more images from members to be out there for consideration, affectionally known as “spreading the love”. I always try to let a member know if their image is in a “bank” for magazine consideration, this is a boost for confidence and it is good PR for WAOW even if their image is not chosen. This avoids criticism from some as the final decision for images chosen always rest with the magazine. The unwritten policy for images that are featured in WAOW first page ads prior to 2020 was to feature the pre vious year best of show and 1st place winner. In 2020, WAOW had a venue contract which restricted ad page images to those in the show (without a disclaimer) so this policy changed somewhat and each WAOW member had a bit more space than they paid for (because WAOW purchased a full page & did could not use it for the past years winners) and whoever purchased a half page who was also in the national show that year qualified for the opening page. These decision for first pages for 2020 were made by the ad director but were sent to show chairs for final approval. Budget The NAD provides proposed Budget(s) to board for any and all ads for considerations – both local and national. This is one reason it is so important to coordinate with boots on the ground of the venue. If the venue is good, then local print advertising or through distribution of postcards to businesses may be critical to turn out for the show. Such ads might include, local news, local social media sites, postcards mailed by venue or distributed by boots on the ground, large outdoor banners, billboards (2018), etc. It is important to coordinate these local venue efforts with the NAD to keep theme, color, etc. consistent and at a high professional level. The graphic artist helps exe cute some of these designs. In 2019, ads became more complicated with digital as well as print options so budgets starting in that year were provided with many options for the board to consider . Excel was used to make it easy to see what costs what and to easily drop or add data with a quick bottom line result as to the total budget.



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