Policy and Procedures 2024

JURY ADMINISTRATOR This job consists of two major responsibilities. 1. Administering and managing the process of new member selection during four separate periods each year: • January-March 31 • April- June 30 • July- September 30 • October- December 30 During each of these periods, the administrator will select five jury members who agree to participate from the pool of WAOW members. She will then be responsible for receiving and tabulating new member applications via email as well as helping assist with the process of applying for membership. At the end of the membership call she will then supply the selected jurors with instructions on how to score (scores of 1-7) the new member applicants. After all jurors have submitted their scores for all applicants to the jury administrator, she will compile the re sults and provide a list of all new member applicants who score a total of 30 and above to a maximum of 35. The provided list will consist of new member names, email addresses, websites, addresses and phone numbers. Additionally, she will be responsible for sending acceptance letters (emails) and rejection letters (emails) to appropriate applicants at the end of each application period. 2. Managing the process of selecting art submissions for the national show. The Jury Administrator is responsible for working with the Juried Art Services Administrator to set up the national show within Juried Art Services (JAS) each year. She will work closely with the show chairman in this task. The jury administrator is then responsible for selecting five volunteer jurors from the pool of WAOW members to judge the show artwork. Once WAOW member art submissions start appearing on the website, she must examine each artwork submission for appropriate size, title and image label, etc. to make sure that the applicants are adhering to the show rules. At the end of the application period, the Jury Administrator will provide guidance to each of the five selected jury members regarding judging the show pieces. This process is partially controlled and compiled by JAS. After all the scoring has taken place, the jury administrator will work closely with the National Show Chairman to finalize the results.

MEMBER OUTREACH CHAIR The primary duty of the Member Outreach Chairperson is to give each new member a personal welcome and make sure she understands the information she has been given about the opportunities and expectations of membership in WAOW. The procedure is as follows: When we admit new members the chair gets the info from the Member Chairperson. The chair can wait a couple of weeks so they can digest all the info in their initial member packet. Then the chair will email a letter and call each one. Most don’t answer the phone and the chair will have to leave a message. But the ones that do answer are always very impressed that they get a personal welcome. Some have questions. She emphasizes the necessity of joining the online group so they stay in the loop. She should be available to all members to answer questions about WAOW. A copy of a typical letter I email is at the end of this. It has to change with each group depending on what show is coming up. The Member Outreach Chairperson should be very familiar with the membership roster maintained by the Membership Chairperson and be available to assist in any way needed. The Member Outreach Chairperson should be willing to assist or take on special projects that concern communicating with and organizing the members. The Member Outreach Chairperson should be a friendly presence at shows and online to make all members feel included and valued. I would be great if she could be at the welcoming table at the shows to greet the members and make them feel welcome. She should make all members feel they can come to her with questions and prob lems. Not that she can answer all questions or solve all problems, but she can refer them to the board member who can help them. Here is a typical welcoming letter: Hello (member’s name) Welcome to Women Artists of the West. It’s been a little while since you joined so I just wanted to check in with you to see if you have any questions, or if I can help you in any way. If you have not already, please log into the “Members Only” page on our website www.waow.org with the pass code WAOWladies (as of 4/2023) This is where you will find all the info you need. It’s also where our quarterly newsletter is posted. It’s where you will find prospectuses for our shows and contact info for board members. IT’S ALSO VERY IMPORTANT for you to join our online discussion group in Groups.io. You can set up your account by going to waowinc-members@groups.io Elin Thomas is the group administrator, her email is elin out@mac.com if you have any questions or problems with that. This is where we communicate with each other. Its also where announcements are made. By participating in this group you will stay in the loop and not miss out on important announcements and opportunities. Put a picture of yourself on our Members Photo Album page. Check out the Members Photo Album on the Members Only section of the website. (this is not public, only for us) Then send a photo of yourself with your name and state to Nori Thorne. Nori Thorne (norithorne@gmail.com) is our webmistress and her contact info is there for you.



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