Policy and Procedures 2024

SUGGESTIONS: It is so easy for a woman to take too much on herself and overdo. This is not good - neither for the president (who of course wants the running of the group to be as efficient and perfect as a fine Swiss watch) nor for the members of the board, who need to be included and need to feel they are doing a job because it is needed and appreciated. Never be afraid to delegate, and try to let the person appointed do the job with minimal interference. Do not try to do everything yourself even if you realize you could do a better job. Help when need ed and make corrections in as tactful a manner as possible. BEST ADVICE EVER.. .When contentious issues arise – and they WILL in every president’s term – you’ll write an email in haste or answer one when you’re really too busy to respond or just too stressed. It happens to all of us. Instead of hitting “send”, take a coffee break. WAIT. THINK. BE TACTFUL, BE KIND. ALWAYS give the benefit of doubt. We don’t know what is happening in that woman’s life. It could be horrendous. Make certain you do not hit “reply” to the wrong people. Make certain you do not hit “reply all” to an email that needs to go to only one or two. And sit on an email you write when things are tough and read it again several times before sending it. BE BRIEF AND CONCISE IN ALL YOU WRITE TO THE MEMBERS OR BOARD OR IT WILL NOT BE READ...THE SHORTER THE BETTER...

• CHECK SIGNER: The president is a “check-signer” along with the treasurer and needs to sign and mail checks in a timely manner. • Optional: Provide “Presidents Award” for show, currently this is $300, but the amount is totally at the discretion of the president. It is nice, if possible, to give a personal gift of gratitude or at the very least a card to show chair and co-chair following the show or other helpful members. These do not have to be large. • CONDOLENCE CARDS : Write a personal condolence letter or send a card to members who are facing a loss of spouse or other family member. • NOTIFY THE BOARD OF RESIGNATIONS: The president presides over the board so if a board member(s) need to resign their position they will notify the president who notifies the board. • The president and other officers should read and be as familiar as possible with the California Attorney General’s guidelines for non-profits, https://oag.ca.gov/sites/all/files/agweb/pdfs/charities/publications/guide_ for_charities.pdf • See above...this is where to find the forms to send out the annual “statement of information” and the renewal form if you can’t find them. THESE ARE IMPORTANT NON-PROFIT REQUIREMENTS • Government and Tax requirements for WAOW At the time this was written in 2020, the forms needed to fill out for non-profit can be found at the following url: https://bpd.cdn.sos.ca.gov/corp/pdf/so/corp_so100.pdf 1. NON-PROFIT RENEWAL: Renewal of the Non-Profit status must be filed every year. \ 2. California Secretary of State: Statement of Information, form SI-100 This is due every 2 years. Last filed on Dec 2020. If we file before due date it would have to be by mail. It ap pears it should be filed before anniversary date which is December 8. It is my understanding that we can submit by mail if it is not due yet, and pay NO FEE Here is a link to the form and instructions, form and cover letter can be filled out online, printed and filed: https://bpd.cdn.sos.ca.gov/corp/pdf/so/corp_so100.pdf (checked, it works) 3. IRS 990-N e-postcard At the time I wrote this in 2020, Linda Landon is a fabulous bookkeeper and knows all the ins and outs well regarding our taxes...BUT, please remember to ask about the taxes in about March or April, because anybody can forget until things have to be rushed. DIFFERENT TAX DUE DATE THAN FOR REGULAR FOLKS Our non-profit Taxes are due May 15, filed by Bookkeeper but our taxes should include a new copy of WAOW bylaws if any edits were done during the year. We amended bylaws in 2020 for instance, so when our taxes are filed in May of 2021, a copy of the fresh bylaws must be included. If they are not filed with the taxes, we need to find out where they go and get them sent to the right party. See IRS 990 N postcard instructions and IRS Access info under Tax and legal docs Not sure about this form California 199N e-postcard...Linda will know what we file: (Sarah Kennedy said to see file 99N for 2018 Hmmm, Can’t find it online at ftb.ca.gov I think it was a typo in her notes)

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