Policy and Procedures 2024

TREASURER Treasurer is responsible for overseeing all of the financial transactions of the organization, which includes but is not limited to working closely with the organization’s accountant to maintain accurate financial records, track income and expenses, budgets, financial goals and create financial reports. The financial reports are shared with the members of the WAOW board which is essential for decision-making and transparency. The treasurer, along with the accountant, oversee the organization’s bank accounts, manage cash flow, and handle financial transactions such as deposits, payments, and reimbursements. Ensuring proper documentation and adherence to financial policies is crucial. The treasurer ensures compliance with financial regulations, tax exemption, the organization’s bylaws and poli cies and procedures and legal requirements. The treasurer takes the lead in helping the rest of the board form financial policies such as who can access funds, who has check-signing authority, how expenses get reimbursed, use of the organization’s credit card and handling of small cash expenses.

WEBMISTRESS The Webmistress maintains Women Artists of the West’s website (waow.org). She is appointed by the President with the approval of the WAOW Board and is compensated at the rate of $300/month with an additional $100 stipend for four online shows per year and design of the National Show catalog. She is a non-voting Board member and attends show committee meetings and Board meetings as scheduled, providing the group with General Web Maintenance. The Webmistress updates content, fixes broken links and images, adds new pictures, fresh content, new events and event registration. She coordinates with the Show Chair, Sponsorship Chair and Membership Chair to ensure that show information and updates to membership information is posted timely. She works with the Education Chair and others to post new videos, images and photos to sup port educational content. Monitors the website host for information related to web traffic, provides data as requested to Board. 2. WAOW Member Page. All WAOW members are eligible for a listing that links to the artist’s external website. The Webmistress adds links for new members and updates information for current members. 3. Online Shows. The Webmistress is responsible for creating three online shows per year plus one De cember holiday card slideshow. She chooses a theme for the show, creates a call for entry to be posted to Facebook, MailChimp, groups.io, and the website. She collects images and information from artists entering the show, uses a software program to create an online gallery, and creates and distributes an e-vite to member ship. She contacts one of WAOW’s Master Signature members to act as juror and sends names and addresses of winners to WAOW’s treasurer for cash awards. 4. National Exhibit Show Catalog. The Webmistress works with the Juried Art Services administrator to obtain juried images for the annual national show. She contacts juried artists to send her images with sig natures, resizes them as needed, and uses InDesign to create a show catalog in coordination with the Show Committee and Advertising Committee. Handles all aspects of printing the catalog, including providing show committee with print contract, following up with printer, reviewing and approving final catalog. Arranges for catalog distribution. Contacts sponsor advertisers who advertise in the catalog and either create an ad for the company or use the company’s own graphic design. 5. National Exhibit Online Presence. Coordinates with Sponsor Chair to update sponsor logos and links. Works with show committee to ensure that all exhibit materials are posted promptly on the home page and the members only page. 6. Member Outreach. Updates member information on MailChimp which is used to advertise the news letter, national and online shows and other member updates. Posts to groups.io and Facebook for information and updates. updates on website activities. Webmistress Responsibilities: 1.

Vicki Pedersen Connection



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