WAOW Texas Catalog Draft
Some artists need frenzy or loud music to create. I have needed a peaceful, quiet mind. IT is likely that this is one of the things that attracted me to much to this scene, captured in the Georgia Low Country. The low sun, the water reflections, the silence of the marsh all told me I needed to paint this. Ehen the egret landed on the dead branch I took that as con firmation. This painting, I hope, speaks to all who seek a sense of calm in our hectic world.
20” x 16” — Oil $1,400
BARRETT EDWARDS • WAOW Associate • CA • www.barrettedwards.com A fourth generation artist, Barrett drew her first portrait at the age of 3. It was of her father wearing glasses and her smiling mother. Both had large, flat rectangles centered in their foreheads representing sunlight. Barrett has been making art ever since, even using it as an aid in her undercover work for the CIA. Once free of government duties, Barrett eventually was represented by seven top galleries in the U.S., teaching workshops along the way.
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