WAOW Texas Catalog Draft
12” x 24” — Pastel $1,400
Evening Virga was inspired by a sunset witnessed along the foothills of the Sandia Mountains in New Mexico. The image represents a fleeting moment in an ever-changing sky. While painting, I often imagine the miles of dust and mist that reflect the dance of light; adding color and vibrance to the experience. I relish the abstract shapes and colors unique to the sky and that moment. To enhance the glow, I darken the clouds and sky. The layer of clouds closest to the sun are lost in definition to the sun’s glow. When I observe the quiet power found in the sky, I am in awe of the eternal processes of our natural world.
KATHERINE IRISH • WAOW Associate • NM • www.katherineirish.com Katherine knew she was an artist from an early age. She moved to New Mexico to pursue her desire to contribute beauty through her art. She paints abstract patterns and layers of color found in skyscapes and landscapes. Previously painting in oil, she began working seriously in pastel in 2002. Katherine was recently artist-in-residence at Zion National Park. She is an award-winning artist who exhibits in juried and invitational exhibits across the country.
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