52nd National with Awards Listed


12” x 16” — Oil $1,400 One afternoon in February we visited this bosque – woods and wetlands along the river. I was mesmerized by the yin/yang of warm colors in the trees, cattails, shrubs and grasses against the deep almost purple water along the shore. This bosque is home to many waterfowl, so their cacophony added an additional ambience of noise color! My personal effort was to present a cacophony of color ambience through vertical and horizontal lines of contrasting colors.

GINGER WHELLOCK • WAOW Master • CO • www.gingerwhellock.com Ginger Whellock has described the “West” as her home for 50 years. Her paintings have been invited or juried into many major national shows across the US and have won a significant number of awards in both pastel and oil. Ginger has also earned signature membership in Plein Air Artists Colorado and Pastel Society of Colorado. Ginger’s work is full of color and light, a sense of space and distance perspective together convincing us of real three dimensions on a two-dimensional surface.


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