52nd National with Awards Listed


9” x 12” — Oil and Silver Leaf $1,200

For some people and cultures ravens have a mystical aspect to them, with different meanings both positive and negative. I like to focus on the positive. They can symbolize rebirth and transformation. I relate to this aspect of them as I am experimenting with a new medium in my work — metal leafing. I like to have an or ganic, natural look to the leaf as I am combining it with my paintings of the animal world, which has a deep, spiritual meaning for me. They are said to be messengers. I have portrayed this raven announcing the start of fall for all to hear. The Buckeye butterfly landed at my feet one day while working on this painting and I thought it fitting to add it.

LESLIE KIRCHNER • WAOW Signature • CA • www.lesliekirchner.com Leslie paints both Western and wildlife subjects. She thoroughly researches each subject as well as their habitats. Leslie has worked with many of the subjects she paints including cougars, bobcats, and birds of prey in order to lend authenticity to her work. Her work is shown in museums, galleries and art shows across the country. Leslie is a member of American Women Artists, Oil Painters of America, Women Artists of the West, and Artists For Conservation.


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