54th National Catalog - Final Draft


The beauty of handmade clay objects coming from any culture, can be appreciated and easily stir a painter’s imagination. Picturing hands forming the clay, and painting the intricacies of the pottery is inspirational. The clay ring pottery is Spanish, while the painted pottery (previous page) is Native American Acoma. Capturing them on canvas becomes a most rewarding obsession.

16” x 12” — Oil $1,800 JEAN OLLIVER • WAOW Associate • TX • www.jeanolliverart.com Jean paints exclusively with oils on canvas, and her style is realistic, also described as ‘representational art’ by current nomenclature. Her primary subjects are still lifes, florals, garden scenes, landscapes, and western US themes. With precise brushwork and a love of detail, she concentrates on the fine replication of her subjects. Often moved by a certain scene or object, her goal is to capture those emotional aspects on canvas.


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