54th National Catalog - Final Draft


The little pika is a fascinating alpine creature and I was intrigued by it’s methods of collecting and drying little haystacks of grasses and flowers to store for the winter -a tiny farmer whose roundness and penchant for munching flowers helps me to slow down and smile.

16” x 16” x 12” — Bronze $5,775

LORI KIPLINGER PANDY • WAOW Master • CO • www.lori@kiplingerpandy.com Lori Kiplinger Pandy is best known for her sculptures of people and animals in stylized realism, from miniature to monumental. With subtle textures and balanced anatomy, her sculptures tell a story which is conveyed through the hint of a smile, the curve of the spine, the whisper of nature and the palette of the patina. Figures and animals emerge from her imagination in the form of bronze, fired ceramic clay and other media. Born in Laredo, Texas, Lori grew up traveling throughout the United States and parts of Europe and currently resides and works in Northern Colorado.


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