Policy and Procedures 2024

SECTION C. FUNCTION The Board of Directors shall have general supervision over all business of the corporation.

SECTION C. CORPORATE SECRETARY 1. She shall keep available a copy of the Constitution and Bylaws for reference at meetings 2. She shall conduct such correspondence as deemed necessary by the President 3. She shall choose such assistants as are needed, for appointment by the President. SECTION D. TREASURER 1. The Treasurer shall set up and maintain all money accounts and insurance accounts. 2. The Treasurer shall make a monthly financial report to the President 3. The Treasurer shall prepare quarterly financial reports for presentation to the corporation. 4. The Treasurer shall have a co-signer on all checks to individuals. Payments previously sanctioned by the board to companies rendering a service to the corporation may be sent electronically to expedite payment of bills. 5. The Treasurer shall choose such assistants as are needed, for appointment by the President. 6. The Trea surer shall work in cooperation with the WAOW Bookkeeper SECTION E. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 1. The Executive Director shall serve as national representative of WAOW in the pursuit of appropriate show venues, as well as publicity opportunities. 2. If elected from outside the membership, this individual may be a man, and he will not qualify to apply for artist membership. 3. She/he shall seek to promote WAOW in a positive manner on a national level. 4. She/he shall coordinate efforts of the show chair, show directors, the advertising director and the pub licity director as regards said show, publicity and promotional opportunities. 5. She/he shall choose such assistants as are needed, for appointment by the President. SECTION F. BULLETIN EDITOR 1. The Bulletin Editor shall assemble, edit and publish a quarterly bulletin to be sent to all members of the corporation, and to those other persons so designated by the Board of Directors. 2. She shall choose such assistants as are needed, for appointment by the President. SECTION G. PUBLICITY DIRECTOR 1. The Publicity Director shall promote publicity and public relations and coordinate the publicity for shows and exhibits. 2. She shall choose such assistants as are needed, for appointment by the President. SECTION H. ADVERTISING DIRECTOR 1. The Advertising Director shall promote and prepare paid advertising for the corporation on behalf of the membership. 2. She shall inform the membership of special advertising opportunities, especially those offering dis counts to WAOW members, with the assistance of the bulletin editor, the Web director and/or her own adver tising bulletins. 3. She shall supervise the advertising of shows, seminars, lectures, scholarship grants and demonstrations organized and promoted by the corporation. 4. She shall insure that the official WAOW symbol and reference to the official WAOW Web site be in-

ARTICLE VII. SELECTION OF OFFICERS SECTION A. NOMINATIONS 1. A slate of nominees shall be prepared by the nominating committee and published in the quarterly bul letin preceding the annual membership election. a. The President shall appoint the nominating committee chair. The chair shall choose two other members of the corporation (at least one of which must be a member not serving on the Board of Directors) to serve on the committee. 2. Further nominations may be made by letter to the secretary or from the membership at large prior to the election, providing that consent of the nominee has previously been obtained. SECTION B. ELECTIONS 1. The nominating committee’s selections will be published and mailed or e-mailed to the membership at least twenty-one (21 days prior to the date the votes will be counted. 2. A simple majority of votes collected shall elect a candidate. SECTION C. TERM OF OFFICE 1. Term of office shall be a maximum of two years, with the option to hold office for only one year. 2. Term of office may be extended by a majority vote of the membership. ARTICLE VIII. DUTIES OF ELECTED OFFICERS AND APPOINTED BOARD MEMBERS SECTION A. PRESIDENT 1. The President shall call meetings and have general supervision of the corporation. 2. She shall preside at all meetings of the corporation and the Board of Directors. 3. She shall sign all papers, contracts and documents required to carry on the business of the corporation. She shall jointly be responsible for the preparation of the annual financial report. 4. She shall appoint a bulletin editor, publicity director, advertising director, Web director, historian and such advisors, assistants and committee heads as are needed, with approval of the Board of Directors. 5. In the absence of an elected President, an Executive Director may assume and perform these respon sibilities under Article V.8. This Executive Director is a paid position hired from the outside, as opposed to an Executive Director that may serve on the Board when a President is in place. SECTION B. VICE PRESIDENT 1. The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in her absence. 2. She shall search for and propose members to replace outgoing board members as needed, for appoint ment by the President or shall nominate a volunteer committee to search for qualified candidates.



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