Policy and Procedures 2024
WAOW is assigned 1, etc. Info is added as ads come in Artist Name, medium, size, title, email for contact, URL for website, WAOW membership status, size of ad spelled out, telephone number in case quick call is needed during proofing stage, whether the image is good (correct size and in focus) . The last names and size of ads are kept on right side in a way than can be automatically alphabetized, it can be quickly referenced and we can always have an update of the current size of the ad. Magazines frequently ask about this and there are MANY times where in the magazine will have a different ad count than do I because the artist has contacted the mag azine instead of me or cancelled with the magazine and not told me. Believe me, that this saves so much time and avoids errors when hunting for ad info under pressure…. It also keeps the director from accidentally drop ping an ad. Right before each ad closes ( we like to have a rolling deadlines in keeping with the individual magazine dead lines) I send an email to the membership via groups with a list of names for a particular magazine saying this is my list of ads and if you want an ad in this magazine and your name is not on the list, let me know ASAP. This also helps the director not drop an ad. Billing and payments for Ads
EDUCATION CHAIR The Education Chair is appointed by the President and is a voting member of the WAOW Board. Duties include: Find and/or create articles that will educate and enrich the WAOW membership. Ask the membership what they would like to have articles about, and if they have educational articles or videos they would like to share with the membership. Submit said articles and/or videos to the web mistress to be added to the WAOW website. If needed, assist the National Show Chair with information, programs or videos that will benefit the WAOW membership during the show. This may include working with a videographer to have videos made of the awards ceremony and other events during the National Show. The WAOW critique groups fall under the Education Program and at this time are being managed by Vicki Pedersen.
Magazines are 100% responsible for billing the artist and their payment is directly to magazine. WAOW invoices ultimately need to go to treasurer and/or the additional person keeping up with WAOW accounting. They sometime come to the NAD first.
Magazine copy requests for Shows The NAD notifies the magazines of: 1. Number of complimentary copies needed for a show (for venue and/or goody bag) 2. Where to send the magazines. Sometimes, it is ok to send to the venue and sometimes not, so this info needs to be obtained by the NAD at one of the show committee meetings.
Jan DeLipsey Vermillion Escarpment
Addren Doss Sunshine on My Shoulder
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