Policy and Procedures 2024

More Specific Duties of the Show Chair: 1. Select a compatible Assistant Co-Chair or simply a Co-Chair. This is imperative so that two WAOWs are informed at every portion of the process in case of emergencies. Have frequent meetings to keep the president and/or board members (those involved with the show) informed of progress. 2. Secure the Contract with Venue with the help of the president. (Make copies to refer to) The Show Chair or Co-Chairs has/have the job of working with the Show Venue (place show is to be held) after the Venue Chair has secured the site. The Show Chair mav help negotiate the contract which will be signed by the president and co-chairs. (what commission on 2D and 4D? Dates? Show the venue the basic prospectus and edit it to fit the venue) The Show Chair must inspect the venue and meet with the Venue Curator to determine the number of pieces the venue can handle. Inform the Juried Art Services chair and the board of this number. 3. Decide on Prize Categories and order Ribbons, find a volunteer to print certificates 4. Reserve a minimum of 30 hotel rooms for Show. Scope out restaurants large enough for WAOW dinners, or lunch suggestions. Secure lodging as soon as possible with a negotiated “group rate” and restaurants (if de sired) as soon as possible. Designate someone to keep a list of attendees coming to a dinner if one is planned. 5. Budget (There is a form for this) The budget must be presented to and voted on by the board. Each show is similar and the previous show budget can be referred to for a basis. 6. Show Prospectus (can use last prospectus as a guide but must custom fit for the new Venue. Share with Ven ue and work out details. You need their input on time frame for the show, time they need the work delivered, when unsold work will be shipped back, venue commissions on 2D and 3D work, and other issues. (WAOW itself usually takes 15%, 3D commission is usually negotiated with the venue as less than 2D because of their greater cost.) 7. Secure Show Award Juror(s). Cannot be a member of WAOW and must be female. There is a form for this contract. It is a paid job and we prefer a local award juror if possible to save on lodging and meals for said award juror. Never offer an awards juror the job until that woman is approved by board vote. 8. Hold Virtual meetings if your team is not local. [Once a month may be too much, but that works well.] WAOW has a conference call line you can use for this. It even records our meeting so memories can be re freshed. Send out an Agenda before the scheduled conference calls. Require written reports from each team 10. Before the opening of the show work with the venue on logistics of uncrating/crating/hanging and ship ping the show (if requested by the venue. Some venues do this and do not want waow assistance.) Sometimes they are happy for WAOW assistance. 11. Plan the Reception if the venue does not want to do this. (most venues handle the reception) 12. Schedule events (ie paint outs, group meals, etc.) for Opening weekend. 13. Local advertising- the show chair will search out and evaluate local ad possibilities, possible free advertis ing and consult with the venue for suggestions of what advertising they normally use. Preparation of print ads can be done by the National ad director and her team. worker to be submitted at least 4 days prior to scheduled meeting. 9. Reports by Show Chairs are also given to Board before meetings.

SHOW CHAIR The show chair must know the responsibilities she must handle and to whom she needs to report or contact for jobs. It is important to collect this information and it is suggested that the chair keep a list of the venue contact person (and an alternate contact person) and the various WAOW board members’ job positions pertinent to the exhibition and their contact info. (this is available on our website, too) cohesive team to bring the show to fruition. The Show Chair must get clearance from Board or President on legal matters and any changes in the contracts. When in doubt, call the President. Form a good strong TEAM and let them know what you expect. Have TEAM meetings and discuss strategies. Local team members are a great asset, Utilize local help. Our membership list can be sorted by state, to make it easy to see who is available in a two hour radius that may help. Suggestions: Use a current membership list (available from the current membership chair) to seek out new tal ents joining the group who live in the area of the show. This helps create a bond between new and old members. Prepare Task Sheets for all to follow. Who, What, When and Where. Prepare Itinerary. Committees which may already be in place or appointed to handle the following: (Get to know these people and have all their information in your phone.) 1. Prizes – we have a list of annual prizes. Sometimes the sponsor chair gets extra prize donations and another “award of merit” is added. 2. Sponsors – a sponsorship chair contacts businesses who give to WAOW awards, and adds new businesses to the list if possible. These donations are added to the prizes. (we have alist of usual donors) 3. Jurying –For Inclusion in the show- choosing jurors to judge inclusion in the show is the job of the Juried Art Service chair) 4. Advertising – WAOW has a national ad director that works with the national magazines. 5. Catalog – catalog is handled by our current webmistress who receives images from the Juried Art Show chair and/or from the members when needed 6. Ad production – handled by the ad director and her team. 7. PR – we have a PR head – she will handle press releases, etc. She will work with the magazines who offer edi torial. 8. Membership – Our membership chair will inform us if someone is not a “member in good standing and did not pay their dues. In which case, they cannot show in the exhibition.



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