Policy and Procedures 2024

f. The Associate Member may use the three-word phrase “WAOW Associate Member” in her advertising, resume and publicity, but may not use the WAOW symbol or logo in her advertising, resume and personal pub licity and may not sign the WAOW symbol on her Work. g. An Associate Member may seek Signature Membership according to the following criteria: WAOW Associate Member may seek Signature Membership by written application to the Board of Directors, provided that as an Associate she: (a) has exhibited a different Work in at least one sanctioned show, national or on line show, every two years for a period of three consecutive years, (b) has met the advertising requirements by participating in at least one group ad and/or one personal ad mentioning WAOW in a nationally-distributed art magazine according to the advertising requirements, (c) has an E-mail address and her own website in place and is adept at using them, (d) has the skills for online group communication and online show entry (or agrees to have qualified computer help), and (e) shall have been represented with images and biography on the WAOW Member web pages during her Associate Member term and shall continue that representation. (1) It shall be the responsibility of the Associate Member, and not of WAOW, to provide the documentation showing completion of requirements necessary to step from Associate to Signature Member. (2) Signature Membership level is granted through a juried process and is not automatic. The application for Signature Membership and images of the artist’s work will be evaluated by the membership screening committee and voted on by the Board of Directors. A majority vote of the Board is re quired to advance an Associate to Signature status. (3) If not accepted for Signature Membership, the Associate Member may reapply the following year and thereafter with new Work. She may request a written critique if not accepted to WAOW Signature status. (4) The Board of Directors reserves the right to advance an Associate Member who is deemed outstanding to early Signature step-up. An Associate Member would be considered for early step- up if she has shown a high degree of artistic technical skill and dedication of time and energy to WAOW for the betterment of the organiza tion. This decision will be made by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. (5) New Signature Members will be announced at the beginning of each year, or in special cases at the dis cretion of the Board of Directors. 2. Signature Membership a. The Signature Member is required to exhibit her Work in at least one WAOW-sanctioned advertisement every two years. This can be either a WAOW group ad or a personal ad that mentions her WAOW membership. If a personal ad, an example of that ad must be sent to the Advertising Director as proof of participation. All such ads must be placed in a nationally distributed art-relation publication. b. The Signature Member may use the phrase “WAOW Signature Member” and may use the WAOW logo in her advertising, resume and personal publicity, and may sign the WAOW symbol on her Work. c. The Signature Member is required to have an E-mail address, her own website in place and be adept at using them, and have the skills for online group communication and online show entry (or agree to have quali fied computer help). She shall also be represented with images and biography on the WAOW member web pages. d. If any of the requirements for WAOW Signature Membership are not met, the member may be dropped back to Associate Member level until she demonstrates the capacity required for Signature status, and then she may reapply for Signature Membership. The Signature Member shall maintain her own records of show and ad participation. 3. Master Membership a. WAOW Master Members shall come only from within the WAOW organization and may only rise to Mas ter according to procedure. Artists who are not already members of WAOW shall not be considered for Master Membership.

(1.) A Master candidate must be nominated for this honor by a current board member or current Master Mem ber. Nominated candidates for Master Membership must be currently active members of WAOW and shall have participated in shows and advertisements satisfying Signature Member requirements. (2.) A Master candidate may be nominated for this advanced status only after a minimum of four (4) years of membership which must include at least one (1) year as a Signature Member) (3.) Candidacy for Master Membership shall be based upon exceptional excellence of the member’s artwork, proficiency in her medium(s), and distinction through national recognition including awards bestowed by WAOW for work entered in WAOW annual juried exhibitions. She shall exhibit a consistent degree of success, merit, and professionalism in her career. Teaching and other contributions or service to the art community may be considered. (4.) An appointed screening committee will evaluate the qualifications of nominated candidates and present qualified candidates to be voted upon by both the board and current Master Members. The artist may be re quested to provide her record of WAOW shows and advertising, portfolio, resume, website and other materials for review. It shall be the responsibility of the artist, and not of WAOW, to provide the documentation show ing the applicant has completed the requirements necessary to step from WAOW Signature to WAOW Master Member. (5.) No more than two Master Members shall be chosen each year unless this maximum number is raised by (1.) The WAOW Master Member shall continue as an active member, showing new work and advertising every two years in WAOW-sanctioned shows and ads. Ads can be either a WAOW group ad or a personal ad that mentions her WAOW membership. If a personal ad, an example of that must be sent to the Advertising Director as proof of participation. All ads must be placed in a nationally available art-related publication. (2.) Master Members shall pay annual dues. Master Members may be invited to exhibit one painting in WAOW juried exhibitions without entering the jury pool. When general membership is allowed more than one accepted entry, a Master Member may elect to also submit to the jury and pay the required jury fee. (3.) The Master Member may use the phrase “WAOW Master Member” and use the WAOW logo in her adver tising, resume and publicity, and may sign the WAOW symbol or WAOWM on her Work. 4. Emeritus Membership a. Emeritus Membership shall be awarded for exceptional administrative service to WAOW. b. Emeritus Membership may be awarded on recommendation of the membership screening committee and by majority vote of the Board of Directors, and provided the worthy member has actively contributed sig nificant administrative or volunteer service to WAOW for a total of at least five (5) years, which does not need to be consecutive. c. Emeritus Membership shall be reserved as an honor for a qualified member of any membership level, including but not limited to one or more of the following levels of contribution: (1) Who has served as President (2) Who has given considerable administrative service as an officer or chairman (3) Who has continually shown a high degree of selfless dedication by working for the organization (4) Who continually volunteers within the group in any capacity or who has consistently been available and can be counted on to help when work needs to be done d. The WAOW Emeritus Member may either retain her membership without active participation, or she may be active within the organization to any degree she may choose. She may still serve as an officer, advisor or volunteer, show in WAOW shows and advertise in WAOW group ads, etc. e. The WAOW Emeritus Member is exempt from paying dues or show fees and will not be invoiced for dues or fees. She may voluntarily choose to pay her dues or fees. f. The Emeritus Member may use the signature “WAOW Emeritus Member” in her advertising and publicity and may sign the WAOW symbol on her Work. majority of board vote. c. Master Members:



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