Policy and Procedures 2024

Legacy Member a. A Legacy Member is defined as a member who was instrumental in the founding of the WAOW group or who has been a member in good standing for more than 30 years b. Legacy membership is an honor bestowed upon members that fit these guidelines regardless of the artist’s level of WAOW status. There are no extra dues or fees imposed above required dues and fees already pertaining to the member’s WAOW membership level. Legacy Member status may be bestowed by the Board of Directors or applied for by a member in good standing who presents corroborating data that guidelines have been met. SECTION B. DISCIPLINE OR TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP Any member may be disciplined, suspended or expelled from the corporation on recommendation of the Board of Directors, by a majority vote of the Board of Directors, for any of these reasons: 1. Non-compliance with requirements for membership. 2. Delinquent dues or assessments, 60 days old. 3. Unprofessionalism which reflects unfavorably upon the corporation or any of its members. SECTION C. LEAVE 1. A member at any level who has attained at least one (1) full year of membership may request official leave if she is experiencing personal hardship or for other reasons deemed acceptable by the Board of Directors. 2. The member seeking leave shall request leave for one calendar year by submitting a request to the mem bership chair. Or upon learning of a member’s pertinent circumstance, leave may be recommended by a member of the Board of Directors. 3. Leave can be granted only through a majority vote of the Board of Directors. 4. The granting of leave will relieve the member of her show and advertising responsibilities during the period of leave. 5. The member must pay dues while on leave to maintain membership. SECTION D. VOTING RIGHTS Associate, Signature and Master Members in good standing, and Emeritus and Life members who are actively participating in the corporation, and any Honorary member serving in an elected or appointed position shall have equal voting rights on issues open to vote by the full membership. SECTION E. DUES AND ASSESSMENTS Associate, Signature and Master members shall pay annual dues in the amount voted by the Board of Directors. Emeritus, Life and Honorary members do not pay dues. All Board of Directors shall pay dues. The Board of Directors may make assessments when deemed necessary.

g. The Emeritus Member will be retained on the membership roster unless she notifies the Membership Chairman to remove her. h. After 25 total years of WAOW membership, the WAOW Emeritus Member may choose to become a WAOW Life Member upon complete retirement from the group. 5. Life Membership Items a. and b. pertain to Life Members designated prior to these 2008 Amended Bylaws. a. A Signature Member, because of dedicated service to the corporation, may become a Life Member upon the recommendation of the Board of Directors and the approval of the membership. b. Life Members may retain membership without the payment of dues and active participation in the cor poration. c. Items c. et seq. pertain to Life Members designated for 2008 and beyond. d. After at least twenty-five (25) years of active participation as a member in good standing in WAOW, any qualified member of Associate, Signature, Master or Emeritus Membership level, who wishes to become inactive and who has displayed dedication according to the goals and purposes of WAOW, may request to be retired from active WAOW membership to become a WAOW Life Member. e. The title of “WAOW Life Member” may be awarded upon review of the Membership Screening Commit tee and majority vote of the Board of Directors. f. Upon approval, the WAOW Life Member shall not serve, show or advertise in any WAOW capacity. She may retain this inactive membership title without the payment of dues, active participation, or with any further obligations by the member, or by WAOW. 6. Honorary Membership a. Honorary Membership shall be awarded to a non-member as an expression of gratitude for extraordi nary support or service to WAOW, on recommendation and majority vote of the Board of Directors. b. Honorary Membership in WAOW may be awarded to: (1) a non-member guest artist of eminent professional stature who is invited to a WAOW show (2) an entity or individual that generously supports the organization (3) a worthy dignitary who actively encourages or assists WAOW by their presence at show(s),etc. (4) any non-member individual or a non-member volunteer who consistently and willingly gives their sup port, time, and effort, or promotes, or assists WAOW without pay (5) a gallery owner or museum who provides a venue for WAOW show c. This level of membership has no time limit and entails no further obligations by either the Honorary Member or by WAOW. 7. Contributing Membership a. Contributing Membership shall be open to any person, business entity or corporation interested in encouraging Art by Women through financial contributions to WAOW for a calendar year or other 12-month period. There shall be a contact available on WAOW.org where donations can be sent. • Contributing Patron: Personal Donation of $100 or more • Contributing Business Entity: Donation of $1,000 or more • Contributing Corporate: Donation of $2,500 or more



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