Woolaroc Draft Catalog 2-9-24


JANE HUNT is a PAPNM and WAOW Master Signature Member, a Signature Member of AIS, OPA, LPAPA, AWA, PAAC, and an artist member of the Salmagundi Club and the California Art Club. Hunt was recently ranked by ArtdataIntel as the twelfth most awarded artist in the U.S. She’s represented by galleries across the US, as well as her native England. Now based in Colorado, she frequently paints plein air, and continues to be awed by the beauty surrounding her.

JANE HUNT www.janehuntart.com

Western Grove, Oil 36” x 24” $7,800

Above Shark Harbor, Oil, 10” x 16” $2,500

To me, Aspen trees in Western Grove epitomize the American West. I’m fascinated by the fact that a stand of aspen trees is considered a singular organism with one massive under ground root system. In this piece, I really wanted to explore all the subtleties of spring greens while also capturing the personality of these incredible trees.

Above Shark Harbor was a chance to explore the effects of atmospheric perspective on the majestic landscape of Catalina Island. It’s one of the most beautiful places I have plein air painted, and this painting is an amalgam of the many studies I’ve created there.


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